Friday, July 27, 2012


Im trying to keep quiet.
Keep quiet from posting lovely thoughts on my twitter about my lovely baby.
Keep quiet from posting my sad thoughts on facebook and twitter too.
Keep quiet from telling my mum how I do not like how she brings up about money when I visit her.
Keep quiet from telling my doctor friends how I do not like to be shoved about work, both good and bad.

But most of all, I love being quiet for the moment.
I love living in the suburbs, and hearing the 'ayam jantan kokok di waktu pagi', the 'katak sumbu' ong ong at night...and how the lovely songs of the birds that chirp in the mornings...
I do not miss my old noisy room in Impiana at all anymore....Beside mrr2. At night people rempit with their big noisy bikes ..
I love having no visitors pop in and out everyday.. I love having solitude with my husband.
We make plans and we dont make plans.

I love quiet.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping A Positive Attitude !

Well, I know I haven't written on this blog for soo long.
Been far too long. Just to recap: Since the last time I had written anything, I went travelling with my husband for a month to New Zealand, came back to Malaysia, and moved from my parent's house in Kuala Lumpur to a small beach town called Kuantan. And I'm 4 months pregnant!
Everything seems rosy but there's a catch: we are both jobless!
And we have been jobless for ...3 months. Our huge savings account is shriking day after day.
And the job that Im applying for, the lowest of all, called "housemanship" ie a junior doctor's job, according to my likewise friends, is a shitty job. Even fit, young women (who are not pregnant neither are they fasting) are crying,sobbing on how hard the job is. My greatest fear is that I will be called during fasting month.

Well, as you can see, this is a shitty situation of a life. But what am I to do?

I think and I think, and I worry and I worry and you know what???

I decided that I am NOT going to feel sorry about myself. Ever again. From now on until I die.
Do u know its tiring to be negative? And it gets you nowhere! But make us feeling more misrable.

Day in day out  I surf the net , (twitter, facebook) and all I see is people complaining. Complaining about how hard their job is, how hard life is, how difficult it is. But few of us really take the time to stop and think positively about our situation.

Lets say in my situation:

My husband and I have only 1 car and we cant even afford to think of buying another until next year. Buying a house? Cant even see the horizon.
Positive: We dont have a cent of debt. We dont even have a credit card! We still have some savings and we work at the same place! Yay. 

Housemanship is a shitty job. Will have to stand 12 hours a day. Will be scolded "stupid, asshole" and mistreated. Might not have the time to eat and have enough rest for my little one.Positive: I will be paid close to 5K every month. That is enough money to support my husband and I, and our baby, without dipping more into our savings account. I will find time to eat. I will find time to sit. I will stand up for myself and not let people mistreat me. I will excel and do my best. I will not make excuses. And I will stay away from negative people. I have a wonderful supportive husband who loves me.

I will be scolded for being pregnant during housemanship.
Positive: So what if I am pregnant? I love being pregnant. Its tiring but there is someone growing inside you. A stranger who will love you unconditionally, someone whom you've never met! And some people take years just to get pregnant. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Daily Escape

Suddenly due to the vast information technology (twitter, facebook, whatsapp) I know too much about everyone. Even itsy bitsy girtty detail.
I like a bit of gossip everyday. I mean, I am, a girl.....
But suddenly to know too much about everyone is actually suffocating, sometimes.

So, I'm going to the beach today.
And hopefully my husband is taking me to the zoo tomorrow! :)

Some pics from my old camera: 
my favourite pastime when jogging: kumpul biji saga

pokok buluh: so serene 

a picture of my young eyes at 21. now already got wrinkles a bit! oh no. scary kan

from our trip to jordan
May you have a  good weekend ahead. And not too much gossip. :)